
Showing posts from November, 2012

Strengthen Your Mental Health Using These Ten Tips.

Photo Credit: Strengthen your Mental Health doing the following: Read a book. Take a walk, breathe in the fresh air and feel the sun. Turn on some music. Put up a birdfeeder. Go to a religious service of your choice. Call a friend. Keep a journal. Ask for help when needed. Cook or bake something yummy. Hug somebody.

“We tend to forget that happiness doesn't come as a result of getting something we don't have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have.” Frederick Keonig.

Large parts of this beautiful boardwalk were destroyed by Hurricane Sandy. Hopefully it gets rebuilt. Things to be grateful/happy about: Pure Olive Oil soap. Pre-lit Christmas trees. Special ornaments. Chicken Fajitas. Seeing the movie Bridesmaids. It was funny, but a little long. The stories that people shared about how they spent their Thanksgiving Holiday. Thanksgiving leftovers. Finding a book to read (Emily & Einstein). Getting in two long walks this weekend. Hearing my dog howl at the Fire Engines.

Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions.Dalai Lama

Photo Credit: Things to be grateful/happy about: The sound of little footsteps. Baby shoes. A nice dinner out with my family. Fudge covered Oreos. Dish towels. Hearing from old friends. Stars. Trees that are still loaded with red leaves. Long weekends. Christmas music..I don't mind hearing it early :)

Gratitude is an art of painting an adversity into a lovely picture. ~Kak Sri

Gratitude List: The awesome rainbow I saw for much of my drive home. Long weekends. Getting more painting done. Learning how to paint high corners. Rakes & leaf bags. Homemade bread. Th smell of homemade bread. eBay sales. Veterans. Here is where I found a very easy homemade bread recipe.

Joy is the simplest form of gratitude.Karl Barth

Getting our power back. Again, the UI and their tireless efforts to restore power to everyone. My right to vote. New boots that were given to me. Aldi grocery store. My Mom who cooked most of our food that may have gone bad. Rice Socks. Seeing the snow on the tree branches this morning. Chocolate Milk. Hazelnut Chocolates.

Things to be grateful for:

That my house does not have any water damage. All my family is safe. Sisters. Finding a comfortable pair of shoes. The track close to my house for walking. Left over Halloween candy. :) Homemade cookies. Chef salads. Attending a Memorial Mass. Seeing family that we haven't seen in a while.