I live in New England and it may be in the single digits today! The perfect day to stay inside and make bags of "stuff" to go outside or another location anyway. So far I have one medium size bag to be tossed and another shopping bag size for the thrift store. Not too many clothes this time. :) I went through one of my daughter's plastic bins and showed her some stuff like a wire wall hanging in the shape of a girl's head with a ponytail. It's for hanging hair accessories. Well my daughter is 23 years old and I'm pretty sure she is wondering why I still have this stuff. It's great that she recognizes what has true value and what is just "stuff" that can be let go of and/or easily replaced.

Day off from work and spending time with my 7 month old Grandson.
Reaching a solution/compromise to a problem at work.
Two items sold on ebay.
Received an unexpected check.
Seeing The Color Purple at the Shubert Theatre in New Haven, CT with my Mother, Daughter and Sister and getting some great pizza afterward.
Finally dyed my hair. :)


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