The struggle ends when the gratitude begins. ~Neale Donald Walsch

Ten things I have been grateful for this week:

Pumpkin flavored coffee creamer.
A roasted chicken.
Fancy drink glasses.
That programs that had funding costs last year have had most of those cuts restored for the upcoming program year.
70 degree weather in late October.
Watching Deer.
The smell of firewood burning.
Admiring other's Halloween and Fall decorations and decorative yards.
Cleaning out and washing down the basement walkway.
My husband coming home from a week long trip.

TIP: The reduction in Social Security payroll taxes is scheduled to end this year (2012). Starting in 2013 your paycheck will be a little less because you will be paying more Social Security taxes each week.


  1. Pumpkin flavored coffe creamer - Nice.

    Dan @

  2. It' better than Pumpkin flavored coffee. : )


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